Ever come across an Egyptian word and you just couldn't figure out what its origins were? Well chances are the word is actually Coptic; the language that was once used universally among Egyptians, and whose remnants we still find to this very day.

Ever come across an Egyptian word and you just couldn't figure out what its origins were? Well chances are the word is actually Coptic; the language that was once used universally among Egyptians, and whose remnants we still find to this very day.

Many of us don't know this, but we've all spoken in Coptic at some point, and continue to do so on a daily basis. The ancient language - directly descended from Demotic Egyptian - is now, for the most part, dead; used only among scholars of the language the cloistered monks of the Coptic Orthodox faith.
But a scattering of words continue to interweave themselves into our daily vernacular, the majority of which most do not realise have Coptic origins. Here are some of the most popular Coptic words that are still used by Egyptians regularly.
Ah - from the Coptic word "Aha", meaning yes
Shebsheb - from the Coptic "seb-sweb," which means the measurement of feet
Kokha - Coptic for dirt
Embu - originates from the Coptic word for water
Mumm - derived from the Coptic word "mout" and the Demotic word "ounum", meaning eat
Bo3bo3 - originates from a Coptic name for a ghost, used to scare children
Sett - Coptic for woman
Tanesh - derived from the Coptic for ignore
Ba7 - the Coptic word for finished
Fouta - Coptic for towel
Taboot - from the Coptic for coffin
7antoor - derived from "han" a word referring to plural objects, and "hatoor" meaning horses
7anafeya - the word for faucet
Khonn - from the Coptic word "khoun", which means inside
Rokh - the Coptic word for drop/fall
Sahd - the Coptic word for hot
Zarta - the Coptic word for… wind (yes, really)
Fatafeat - Coptic for crumbs or small pieces
Wawa - from the Coptic word used to express pain
Nunu - the Coptic word for small/little
'Outa - Coptic for tomato
If you know any other Coptic words that we've missed out on, let us know in the comments below!
Source: Cairo Scene
nice! thank you for this